Fate/Grand Order Game Overview
Chaldea, an organization dedicated to observing Earth's future, discovers that human history will end in 2019. Suddenly, the future as predicted in 2017 vanishes without a trace. But why? How? Who is behind it?
In 2004, a mysterious town in Japan emerges as the first unobservable region. Believing this to be the cause of humanity’s extinction, Chaldea conducts its sixth experiment—time travel. Using a forbidden ritual, they transform humans into Spiritrons and send them back in time.
Their mission is to intervene in historical events, identify, and eliminate the space-time Singularities that threaten mankind.
The mission is clear: protect humanity by fighting fate itself. This is the Grand Order, a battle to safeguard human history.
Fate/Grand Order Features
**Command Card Battle RPG** - Designed for smartphones! Become a Master, summon Heroic Spirits, and team up to defeat enemies while unraveling the mystery behind the disappearance of human history. Customize your party with both new and familiar Heroic Spirits.
Game Development Team
Story & Scenario: Kinoko Nasu
Character Design & Art Direction: Takashi Takeuchi
Scenario Writers: Yuichiro Higashide, Hikaru Sakurai
Fate/Grand Order Conclusion
In conclusion, the Fate RPG by TYPE-MOON offers an immersive experience that blends rich storytelling, strategic gameplay, and beloved characters.
Whether you're a long-time fan of the Fate series or a newcomer, this game provides a unique opportunity to explore a world where you can influence history, engage in epic battles, and protect humanity from its looming fate.
With its captivating narrative and dynamic gameplay, this mobile RPG is a must-play for anyone looking for an adventure that combines deep lore with exciting challenges. Join the battle today and become a hero in the fight to save the future!